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Fresh Lingcod has to be one of my favorite dishes, and if you would like one for dinner here are some tips..

  • Fish rocky bottoms, around reefs, islands and pinnacles.
  • depth 20-150′
  • slack tide helps
  • sent your jigs
  • If jigs are not working, use bait (herring, octopus, squid ect..)
  • 5-10 min then move to next spot
  • don’t beat a dead horse, keep moving to different spots, doesn’t have to be far from last fished area.
  • Check your leader regularly.
  • Use a herring Jig to catch live bait, and you will catch..

Stop in at PRO for more tips if you would like to up your catch. Lingcod are very aggressive and not to difficult to catch, get the kids fishing for them .Reminder 65CM or larger and 1 per day per license.. Good Luck, Sam Out!