Category(s): RECREATIONAL – Salmon
Fishery Notice – Fisheries and Oceans Canada Subject: FN0291-RECREATIONAL – Salmon – Chinook – Portions of Areas 12, 13, and 15 to 20 – Chinook Management Measures – Effective April 1, 2024 This Fishery Notice announces the re-opening of the mark-selective fisheries that were approved with the 2023/24 Southern Salmon Integrated Fisheries Management Plan. Area 12 (portions of Broughton Archipelago and Knight Inlet): Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 14, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day hatchery marked or unmarked, with a maximum 80 cm size limit on unmarked Chinook. For clarity, there is no maximum size limit on hatchery marked Chinook. These measures apply in the following waters: Subareas 12-27, 12-28, 12-35, 12-38, and 12-40; and That portion of 12-26 north of line from Dinner Point on Village Island (50°37.628’N, 126°30.322’W) across to a point on the opposite shore on Turnour Island (50°37.536’N, 126°29.845′ W); AND east of the Lower Clio RCA boundary line at 50°35.397’N, 126°31.982’W; 50°34.943’N, 126°32.080’W; and That portion of 12-39 northeast of a line from Gordon Point on Broughton Island (50°45.885’N, 126°44.158’W) across to the RCA boundary on Eden Island (50°45.510’N, 126°42.831’W); AND those portions of Subarea 12-39 east of the Eden-Bonwick-Midsummer-Swanson Islands RCA; and That portion of Subarea 12-41 north of a line from Popplewell Point (50º50.756’N, 126º57.317’W) to the RCA boundary at Bourmaster Point (50º50.700’N, 126º55.574’W). Reminder: The minimum size for all Chinook is 62 cm in Area 12 (excluding Subarea 12-14). Area 13 (Portions of Bute Inlet and Ramsay Arm): Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 14, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day hatchery marked or unmarked, with a maximum 80 cm size limit on unmarked Chinook. For clarity, there is no maximum size limit on hatchery marked Chinook. These measures apply in the following waters: That portion of Subarea 13-19 northerly of a line that runs from 50°19.584’N, 125°00.292’W (on Raza Island) to 50°19.9463’N, 125°01.9274’W (southeast of Frances Bay); and Subarea 13-21. Reminder: The minimum size for Chinook is 62 cm in Area 13. Area 15 (portions of Toba Inlet): Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 14, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day hatchery marked or unmarked, with a maximum 80 cm size limit on unmarked Chinook. For clarity, there is no maximum size limit on hatchery marked Chinook. These measures apply in the following waters: That portion of 15-5 north of a line from Tibbs Point on Raza Island (50°18.731’N 124°57.980’W) to Connis Point on West Redonda Island (50°18.287’N 124°55.177’W); AND north of a line from Dean Point on West Redonda Island (50°17.147’N, 124°47.172’W) across to a point on East Redonda Island (50°17.145’N, 124°46.989’W); AND north of a line from Price Point (50°09.399’N, 124°39.165’W) to East Redonda Island (50°10.075’N,124°41.763’W); and That portion of Subarea 15-6 (in Toba Inlet) west of a line drawn from a boundary sign at Snout Point to a boundary sign on the opposite shore. Reminder: The minimum size for Chinook is 62 cm in Area 15. Area 16 (portions of Sechelt and Jervis Inlets): Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 14, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day hatchery marked only. These measures apply in the following waters: Subareas 16-6, 16-9, 16-12; and That portion of Subarea 16-7 westerly of the Salmon Inlet RCA boundary following a meridian passing through at 123°43.00’W (near Black Bear Bluff); and That portion of Subarea 16-8 west of a line from a point on land at 49°41.5’N, 123°48.4’W, across to a point on the other shore at 49°41.1’N, 123°47.7’W; and That portion of Subarea 16-10 north of a line from a point on land at 49°40.0’N, 124°04.3’W, across to a point on the other shore at 49°40.0’N, 124°05.1’W; and That portion of Subarea 16-11 north of a line from a point on land at 49°44.99’N, 124°15.57’W, across to Ball Point (corner of the Hardy Island RCA) at 49°45.10’N, 124°13.75’W; and That portion of Subarea 16-13 south of a line from a point on land at 49°50.7’N, 123°55.2’W then across to a point on the opposite shore at 49°50.2’N, 123°52.9’W. Reminder: The minimum size for Chinook is 62 cm in Area 16. ——————————————————————– Area 17 (portions of the Gulf Islands) Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 14, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day, hatchery marked only. These measures apply in the following waters: Subareas 17-6 and 17-9. Reminder: The minimum size for Chinook is 62 cm in Area 17. Area 18 (portions of the Gulf Islands) Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours May 31, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day, hatchery marked only. These measures apply in the following waters: Subareas 18-6, 18-7, and 18-10. Effective 00:01 hours June 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 31, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day, hatchery marked only. These measures apply in the following waters: That portion of Subarea 18-6 west of a line from Isabella Point on Saltspring Island (48°44.0239’N, 123°25.5622’W) to Harry Point on Piers Island (48°42.6137’N, 123° 25.1697’W) and west of a line from Indian Point on Piers Island (48°42.1410’N 123°25.4996’W), then through the red buoy U16, then through the green marker on the metal pilings, then due south to a point on Vancouver Island (48°41.6714’N 123°25.5501’W); and Subarea 18-7. Reminder: The minimum size for Chinook is 62 cm in Area 18. Area 19 (Victoria and Saanich Inlet) Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours May 31, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day, hatchery marked only. These measures apply in the following waters: Subareas 19-1, and 19-3 to 19-8. Effective 00:01 hours June 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 31, 2024, the daily limit for Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day, hatchery marked only. These measures apply in the following waters: Subareas 19-7 and 19-8. Reminder: The minimum size for Chinook is 45 cm in Subarea 19-1, 19-3, and 19-4. The minimum size for Chinook is 62 cm in Subareas 19-5 to 19-12. Subarea 20-5 (portion of Beecher Bay): Effective 00:01 hours April 1, 2024, until 23:59 hours July 31, 2024, the daily limit of Chinook is one (1) Chinook per day, hatchery marked only. These measures apply in the following waters: That portion of Subarea 20-5 north of a line drawn from (48°19.554’N, 123°37.768’W) to (48°19.589’N, 123°36.533’W) then following the shoreline of Frazer Island easterly to the RCA boundary at (48°19.700’N, 123°36.267’W,) then to (48°19.633’N, 123°35.681’W). Reminder: The minimum size for Chinook is 45 cm in Area 20. Variation Order: 2024-RFQ-117 NOTES AND REMINDERS: Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal and non-tidal waters of British Columbia. The term “marked”, “hatchery marked”, or “adipose fin clipped” means a fish that has a healed scar in place of the adipose fin. All anglers must have a licence to fish in tidal waters in BC. Apply for your BC tidal waters recreational fishing licence and salmon conservation stamp at: Anglers are advised to check for fishing closures and other recreational fishing information. Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs) are currently in effect and are closed to all fin-fishing. Descriptions of RCAs and other closures such as finfish closed areas, salmon non-retention areas, and other recreational fishing information, can be found on the internet at: Fishers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery program by labelling and submitting heads from hatchery marked Chinook and Coho Salmon to head depots. The head-off measurement can be used by enforcement officers to assess compliance on size limits if you remove the head from Chinook or Coho. Recovery of microscopic coded-wire tags found inside hatchery marked Chinook and Coho heads provide critical information for coast-wide Salmon stock assessment programs. Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program toll free at 1-866-483-9994 for further information. ReplyReply AllForward