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Well if you don’t see to many post from yours truly means that i am run off my feet at the shop. This in turn means that the outdoor activities are in full throttle. However this year it is at another level as the we have been blessed with an incredible amount of Coho and Chinook Salmon. My advice to you if you have not had a chance to get out much is to be prepared for an amazing August fishery as this will only continue and the fish will be larger. We have seen many new anglers getting out there and it is great to see. Also senior after senior coming in exited about fishing again as they are rewarded with fish like the good old days. This summer we have also seen a greater number of kids getting out and let me tell you they are super excited to get there favorite lure and head out to there favorite fishing spot. We have also seen a record number of smiles at P.R.O. this year, mostly dew to the incredible fishing. So next time you are out and are rewarded with Salmon be sure to thank and say a prayer for the bounty:)

Ok so here are a few tips going forward. Be sure you are prepared for Halibut as they are being caught regularly however most anglers are not prepared and are losing most catches. Almost all are caught while anglers are tolling for Salmon, this is very effective especially when you have 150-250 feet of downrigger line out. Be sure to have a gaff or if you are not so good with a gaff use a large net. My prediction is there will be a few caught this weekend, who will be the luck ones? There was also a bit of a slow down in catch numbers last week mostly From Lund – North. This happens when the Salmon runs that have been here for a while carry on and leave the area to head to there native streams. We just have to be patient as now other runs will show up especially our local hatchery fish which will join migrating runs resulting in more catches. Hot spots have been Rebecca Rock, Coho Pt, Blubber Bay, Favada Pt (Coho are like Piranhas here), east side of Texada, South end and Backside of Harwood, Second beach (just south of the Hulks),Mystery Reef, Mace Pt and Lund will pick up so be ready. Most Halibut have come from this area. As you can see many hot-spots, so if you are not catching moooooooove,lol. These are the depth you want to try (amount of downrigger line out) 90,123,160 these depth will produce…also 180,205,240,260.. Many anglers have never sent there lure to these depth but just think of it this way. Above a hundred feet there are hundreds of Salmon, Below 100 feet there are thousands of Salmon. Be sure to use 15lb cannonballs whenever possible , the heavier the cannonball the more fish you will catch guaranteed. Also 2.5 mph,2.5mph.2.5 mph cant say this enough. O.K gotta get ready to head to shop as this weekend is going to be awesome. If you need help or want to up your catch stop in and we will make it happen and do our best to insure you have a great time and smiles al around….Sam Out!