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Tidal Regulations

RECREATIONAL – Salmon Any questions email or call me at 604-485-4868 Sam.. Will have a more detailed report soon;) Subject: FN0330-RECREATIONAL – Salmon – Chinook – Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5 – Chinook Management...

New License’s and Some gear Changes coming.

We are a few weeks away from having to renew our fishing licenses. Not confirmed yet but looks like regulations for Salmon retention will be the same as last year. Fishery Notice – Fisheries and Oceans Canada Subject: FN0211-Important Information on the BC Tidal...

Plenty of Chinooks.

The Winter Chinook fishery is in prime time as anglers venturing out are finding out. HOT SPOTS Favada Point , Coho Point – Marshall Rock, Harwood Island, The Mill – Tla Amin, Westview. I have not had reports come in from Lund or Scotch Fr Pt- Thunder Bay...

Winter fishing and Updates

This cold snap is keeping most anglers off the water however ounce it warms up a bit it will be prime time for Winter Chinook fishing . You may still retain 2 Chinook 62cm and larger into the new year until further notice in our area and Rock fish and Ling Cod are...