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Sort and Save:)

This was April 17 not the 7th. We left our gear for an overnight soak and did well. Sound’s like the commercial prawn season is starting around May 15 so try and get out if you can. Any questions call me at P.R.O. 604-485-4868

The Bite Is On!

With the weather warming up local lakes are producing some nice Trout. Despite local lake water still being quite cold Trout have been active. Inland, Khartoum, Powell and Goat Lake have all had decent reports. Many question about Lois lake, the fish here are still...

Prawns & Calamari:)

Decent numbers of Prawns, Despite an Octopus beating me to my traps. The brown water you see in the Video is the residue from the prawn pellets being rinsed from the prawns mouth. Be sure to have a container with water handy to dump your prawns into. This will keep...

Anchor’s Away!

Set my prawn traps and looking forward to hauling them up later today. Be sure to always anchor your traps down or you will eventually lose them. The set-up in the video is presuming you have an electric hauler. If you do not have a line hauler put as mush weight as...