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Great News For Local Anglers.

Locally the Chinook slot size regulation (62-80 cm) will come to an end starting September 1st,and retention changes from 1 Chinook to 2. So providing your Chinooks are 62 cm or larger you may retain 2 per license per day starting Wednesday September 1st . Powell...

Summer seem to last forever…

Chinook Salmon fishing this summer in Powell River has been amazing, so many good memories made by those who have been fortunate to get out there. Here is the latest.. Chinook fishing has tailed of a little after a record pace. Grant Reefs, Iron Mines and west side of...


Thursday July 15th,the unessasarry Chinook non-retention will finally be over, here are some of the main species you can retain in our area. Chinook 62-80 cm (marked or unmarked) oneling Cod 65cm or larger onerock fish 1 no min size oneyellow eye closedHalibut (read...

Official Chinook Regulations..

RECREATIONAL – Salmon Fishery Notice – Fisheries and Oceans Canada Subject: FN0650-Recreational – Salmon – Chinook – Northeast Vancouver Island – Areas 11/111 to 17 – Effective July 15, 2021 This notice advises fishers of the...